Personal Particulars
Name :afrizal.30,1989
Religion : Islam
Contact address :mutiara sentul/no L7, Bogor Barat 15156
Contact number :
: 085691174165 (hp)
Marital Status : Married
Educational History
• Universitas Gunadarma Depok, majoring in Accounting, graduated in May 2011
• SMA 2 pekanbaru.
Other Course & Training
• System dan Kebijakan Budget 2004, HR Training PT. Bank Utama Tbk, Jakarta, december 2012.
• Accounting Workshop, Financial Control Group PT. Bank Utama Tbk. Jakarta, October 2012.
• Accounting Workshop, Financial Control Dept. PT. Bank Utama Tbk., Jakarta, February 2012.
Computer Proficiencies
• MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint).
• Lotus SmartSuite (Lotus123, Lotus WordPro, Freelance Graphic).
• Cognos ( PowerPlay ).
• SAP (System, Application and Product).
• Adobe Photoshop.
• Internet
Working Experiences
• Analyst and Data Processing Officer of Performance Monitoring Team – Financial Control Group, PT. Bank Utama Tbk. Jakarta, January 2013 – present.
Job description:
• Providing financial and accounting reports by processing data from accounting system (SAP) become the easiest format for the users, and distribute the reports. This job required good knowledge about SAP system, MS Access, MS Excel, Cognos PowerPlay and computer programming.
• Gathering and combining financial and operation report from all of business unit.
• Analyzing, assessing and monitoring business unit performance against target (budget) and providing Business Performance Monitoring Report to the board of management. This job required a good knowledge about accounting, financial analysis, and supporting software (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Lotus 123, Lotus Word Pro, and Lotus Free Lance Graphic).
• Analyst, Agency Coordinator & Controller Staff of Collection Unit Bank Utama Card Center (BBCC), PT. Bank Utama Tbk. Jakarta, March 2013 – September 2014.
Job description:
• Analyzing bad debt account, coordinating bad debt account collection, maintain bad debt customer data and payment, and control the field collector agency for abuse of payment possibility.
• Credit Control - Cycle Due Team (Staff) - Collection Unit Bank Utama Card Center (BBCC) PT. Bank Utama Tbk. Jakarta, March 2012 - March 2013.
Job description:
• Responsible on Control and maintenance credit card account from possibility of turning into bad debt
Diposting oleh
rijal juarez
Comments: (0)
Ms. Sandra Thompson
Digitech Computer Company
1700 Baker Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 20170
Digitech Computer Company
1700 Baker Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 20170
Dear Sandra:
It was a very pleasant surprise running into you at the Philadelphia Computer Show this morning. I have enclosed my resume to that it may be circulated to the appropriate department heads when you contact them.
As we discussed today, I am interested in working for Digitech in the Philadelphia area and in dealing with customers. An experienced software specialist, I have proposed, planned, designed, managed, developed, and delivered major software system to users. Project management of a multiperson effort has been the primary responsibility of my latest job. In addition to having management and technical skills, I enjoy people, giving presentations, and consulting. Digitech appears to offer opportunities in marketing, customer support, and development that would use my computing expertise. Along with my verbal abilities.
Having recently delivered a significant software application, I would like to begin a new challenge as soon as possible.
Talking with you was a pleasure and has given me a very positive impression of Digitech Computer Company.
When can we meet again to further explore the next step in our discussion? I may be reached at 203/561-3444
It was a very pleasant surprise running into you at the Philadelphia Computer Show this morning. I have enclosed my resume to that it may be circulated to the appropriate department heads when you contact them.
As we discussed today, I am interested in working for Digitech in the Philadelphia area and in dealing with customers. An experienced software specialist, I have proposed, planned, designed, managed, developed, and delivered major software system to users. Project management of a multiperson effort has been the primary responsibility of my latest job. In addition to having management and technical skills, I enjoy people, giving presentations, and consulting. Digitech appears to offer opportunities in marketing, customer support, and development that would use my computing expertise. Along with my verbal abilities.
Having recently delivered a significant software application, I would like to begin a new challenge as soon as possible.
Talking with you was a pleasure and has given me a very positive impression of Digitech Computer Company.
When can we meet again to further explore the next step in our discussion? I may be reached at 203/561-3444
Yours truly,
Diposting oleh
rijal juarez
Comments: (0)
Ms. Sandra Thompson
Digitech Computer Company
1700 Baker Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 20170
Digitech Computer Company
1700 Baker Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 20170
Dear Sandra:
It was a very pleasant surprise running into you at the Philadelphia Computer Show this morning. I have enclosed my resume to that it may be circulated to the appropriate department heads when you contact them.
As we discussed today, I am interested in working for Digitech in the Philadelphia area and in dealing with customers. An experienced software specialist, I have proposed, planned, designed, managed, developed, and delivered major software system to users. Project management of a multiperson effort has been the primary responsibility of my latest job. In addition to having management and technical skills, I enjoy people, giving presentations, and consulting. Digitech appears to offer opportunities in marketing, customer support, and development that would use my computing expertise. Along with my verbal abilities.
Having recently delivered a significant software application, I would like to begin a new challenge as soon as possible.
Talking with you was a pleasure and has given me a very positive impression of Digitech Computer Company.
When can we meet again to further explore the next step in our discussion? I may be reached at 203/561-3444
It was a very pleasant surprise running into you at the Philadelphia Computer Show this morning. I have enclosed my resume to that it may be circulated to the appropriate department heads when you contact them.
As we discussed today, I am interested in working for Digitech in the Philadelphia area and in dealing with customers. An experienced software specialist, I have proposed, planned, designed, managed, developed, and delivered major software system to users. Project management of a multiperson effort has been the primary responsibility of my latest job. In addition to having management and technical skills, I enjoy people, giving presentations, and consulting. Digitech appears to offer opportunities in marketing, customer support, and development that would use my computing expertise. Along with my verbal abilities.
Having recently delivered a significant software application, I would like to begin a new challenge as soon as possible.
Talking with you was a pleasure and has given me a very positive impression of Digitech Computer Company.
When can we meet again to further explore the next step in our discussion? I may be reached at 203/561-3444
Yours truly,